It is claimed that reasoning in the real world aids decision making and is geared towards accomplishing goals. There is a distinction made between two types of rationality. Image Credit: Rationality 1: Reasoning to attain one's goals under cognitive limits Rationality 2: Reasoning through a logical process The philosophical distinction between practical and theoretical reasoning is related to these two different meanings. Some psychological on deductive thinking is re-examined in this perspective, as it is argued that logical rationality does not provide a good basis for cognitive rationality. Reason, like consciousness, with which it is deeply connected, has long been seen as a unique human ability not found elsewhere in any species. Reason is the process by which humans gain understanding by combining sensory observations with concepts and linking them with previously learned knowledge. The process of assessing and managing ideas and fact...
I'm Chamod Isuru Senaratne; an Applied Sciences undergraduate at the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka and this is my personal blog.